Can AI Tools Capture the Nuances of Human Quality AI Writing?

Writing quality and rigor are key components to effective communication. But can AI tools capture the nuances that make excellent writing?

It’s not yet possible to produce high-quality AI writing without human review. Even though AI can write more quickly, it lacks the creativity, emotional intelligence, and contextual understanding that humans possess. Find out more at get macaw.


Human writers use creativity to create content that engages the audience. They can incorporate emotion and empathy into their writing, which creates a connection with readers and helps them understand the topic. They can also produce content in a variety of formats, such as eBooks and blogs. This can be difficult for AI to replicate.

However, it is important to note that human writers can have their own biases and prejudices in their work. This can affect the authenticity of their writing. In addition, creating quality content can be time-consuming and expensive for humans.

As such, it is recommended that businesses find a balance between AI and human writers in their content creation strategy. This can be achieved by using AI tools to help with research and scalability, while having human writers add creative elements and storytelling to the content. This can help to achieve a more holistic and engaging piece of content that is in line with user intent and keyword optimisation.

Emotional Intelligence

Unlike AI, human writers are able to convey emotions in their writing that connect with audiences on a deeper level. They can also identify & respond to audience feedback — adding a personalised touch that AI cannot replicate.

Emotional intelligence involves recognizing the emotional state of others and understanding how your own actions can influence them. For example, if someone is in a bad mood, you might try to cheer them up rather than feed into their negativity. You can apply this principle to a team’s culture, creating positive working environments where employees feel engaged and inspired.

Achieving a high emotional intelligence requires training that can be costly for organisations. However, it is still a valuable skill to have in order to develop better communication with your teams and drive greater productivity gains.

Contextual Understanding

A key aspect of human quality AI writing is contextual understanding. This enables the system to understand the underlying intent behind a customer’s query and provide accurate and satisfactory responses. For example, Zowie can understand if a customer is seeking reassurance or assistance, and can use empathetic language or escalate the issue to a live agent if necessary.

Contextual understanding also allows for a better grasp of cultural nuance, including slang, idioms, and humor. It can also help the system discern between sarcasm and genuine customer concern. This is a crucial element for improving customer satisfaction and building relationships with customers. It can also improve a business’s ability to meet the needs of a specific audience by targeting high-intent keywords. Moreover, it helps ensure that content is relevant and up-to-date for the target audience. It is also important for ensuring that content is readable and does not sound too robot-like. However, this requires significant effort and time to train an AI system on such nuances.


Unlike AI, human writers are capable of incorporating subjectivity, emotion, and personal experience into their work, which can create a connection with readers. This ability is vital to building brand loyalty and establishing trust.

While the accuracy of AI writing is improving, it still struggles with context and cultural nuances. Additionally, AI writing can be overly formal and impersonal. These limitations pose ethical concerns in academic circles, where the integrity of written work is key to maintaining academic honesty and responsibility.

Human writers can produce content on just about any topic, but they have limited expertise in highly technical subjects such as data analysis or earnings reports. Achieving high-quality content for these subjects requires a blend of AI and human writers. Using AI to generate the hewed structure of the article and letting human writers add the headline, quotes, and other elements can save time and boost engagement. For example, AP uses this strategy for its racing and corporate earnings reports to release articles faster.